Miniature Silky Fainting Goats
“If we didn’t live venturously, plucking the wild goat by the beard, and trembling over precipices, we should never be depressed, I’ve no doubt; but already should be faded, fatalistic and aged.”
Miniature Silky Fainting Goats are a unique new breed of goats. A long flowing coat, top knots, and beards are the ideal look of a Mini Silky. One has only to look at the canine breed - Silky Terrier - to get the idea. Mini Silkies are not required to faint, but Myotonic (fainting) goats are the foundation of this breed, with a few older lines of Nigerian Dwarf goats sprinkled in here and there.
All of our goats are registered with the Miniature Silky Fainting Goat Association (MSFGA).
They are tested and negative for CL (Caseous Lymphadenitis), CAE (Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis), and Johne’s disease. Goats are regularly treated with CDT and wormed.
All are 100% fainters. Moreover, they are all loved and spoiled beyond belief!!
2025 Breeding Line-Up
It's an exciting breeding season for us! Ok, I say that every year. Except this year I mean it for a completely different reason. The weather this fall when our girls are expected to go into heat and get pregnant was, well, weird. We had 80 and almost 90-degree days making fall more like summer. And that threw the girls heat schedule off - most didn't go into heat until almost 6 weeks later than normal. It was something I've not seen before and had me pretty anxious about getting things done. Checking in with other breeders and my vet confirmed that many had the same problem happening.
So what does that mean? It means that our girls were only able to be exposed to the buck once and if that "date" didn't work out, well, no babies this year. For many of the girls I am ok with that, if their bodies said they needed a rest, then they should get one. But I have a young doe that just came of age, and I have been waiting years to get her into the line-up. It looks like I have yet another year to wait. Womp, womp.
It also means that the girls potentially due in very late March are still not showing as much as I would like to guarantee pregnancies yet. And that means I'm not sure who to announce in the line up! It leaves me in a bit of a conundrum. Do I share every pairing I planned and then disappoint if things don't work out? Or do I only share the group I'm fairly confident in and add surprise announcements later? Final decision, I'm going to stick with what I feel confident about and add more announcements later if I'm lucky.
All of this also means that I needed to change up the process a bit this year. I have taken no reservations on kids for 2025. All kids will be offered to our specific goat contact list first, and be sold in a first come, first serve manner. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or to reserve your kid now. As babies arrive I will post pictures, details, and availability.
Racing for Home Jacey
BIS MCH Bear Creek Phineas
Jacey is an amazing doe that was slow to mature to full glory, but now that she has, she’s stunning. Only lacking in headdress, she kids naturally with multiples, and throws tons of goodness into her kids, including her super laid-back personality. Her daughters of several generations have graced the herd and brought Grand Champion titles to the line. Paired with Best in Show, Master Champion Phineas, these kids will be incredible. These kids have the potential to have blue eyes.
Does - $900
Bucks - $600
Wethers - $250
<— Baby Boy T1
Sold, I have a new family!
Born: February 18, 2025
White with Tan Spots
Brown Eyes
<— Baby Boy T2
Sold, I have a new family!
Born: February 18, 2025
White with Black Spots
Blue Eyes
<— Baby Girl T3
Racing for Home Tori Dori
Sold, I have a new family!
Born: February 18, 2025
Brown Eyes
Bottle Baby
Racing for Home Lotus Flower
BIS MCH Bear Creek Phineas
Looking for a show goat? This is a breeding for you, but only if you can convince me to let the kids go. Lotus earned her two Jr Champion legs right out of the gate, and Phineas comes from genetics you can’t pass up. Lotus carries no undercoat and throws that trait to her kids regularly. Phineas earned his Master Champion title early on, crushing it in the ring and taking home a Best in Show as well. Lotus carries the perfect conformation of her dam, Racing for Home Jezebel, adding more coat more bangs and just more of all the good stuff. These kids should have hair for miles! These kids have the potential for blue eyes.
Does- $1,200
Bucks - $700
Wethers - $250
MCH KE Paradys Denali
BIS MCH Full Circle Santa Baby
You can’t get more champion genetics into a breeding pair than this one! Denali couldn’t be stopped in the ring and pulled her Master Champion title with ease. Santa has been retired from the ring for several years, earning his Master Champion title quickly as a young buck and cementing it with a Best in Show title as well. There is no doubt that these kids will have the potential to be extreme coated - both parents regularly need a trim so they can walk without stepping on their own coats! The amazing health, conformation, and longevity of these lines are second to none.
Does - $1,200
Bucks - $800
Wethers - $250
Available Adult Goats
Racing for Home Nefertiti
Nefertiti is being reluctantly offered as a 3-year-old doe with amazing genetics and potential. She is a proven doe, producing a beautiful buckling in 2024. She was a sentimental retain as the last kid from our foundation doe, Sol-Orr’s Emma Leigh, and she is just as sweet and gentle as her dam. Unfortunately, as I work through the future of my program, Nefertiti’s kids would be too related to the herd to retain and as a result I am looking to place her in a herd where her genetics and disposition are needed. She’s a perfect companion doe, or a great addition to any breeding program.
Available to the right breeding program - $700
Racing for Home Jezebel
Jezebel is just one leg shy of her Master Champion status, and she simply aged out of the competition as the younger generations have surpassed her coat length and head furnishings. She was continuously recognized in the ring as having near-perfect confirmation, being pulled to the front of the judge’s line-up as an example of correct confirmation. If she had just a few more bangs, she may have pulled that MCH title off! She is being offered as a 7-year-old doe to someone who needs to bring correct body type and stance to their breeding program. I have retained her daughter, and a granddaughter in my herd.
Available to the right breeding program - $500
BIS MCH Full Circle Santa Baby
Santa’s genetics are heavily featured in my herd. He is an amazing buck that throws all the right things into his kids. He is easy to handle, sweet tempered and well behaved with his two pasture mates. He loves when we have new babies to introduce to him, and he has a strong desire to be best buds with any goat that needs a little confidence boost. If you are looking to start your herd off right - this is the buck to do it. Get yourself a proven Master Champion with a Best in Show title you won’t regret it! He is only being offered at this time as a result of the contributions he has made to my herd. I’m almost out of unrelated does to pair with him.
Available to the right breeding program - $700
Racing for Home Maleficent
Maleficent is being hesitantly offered as a 4-year-old doe with amazing genetics and potential. She is a proven doe, producing two sets of flashy twins in the past two breeding seasons. She was sold as a baby, and returned to our herd when her new home did not work out. She’s rocked the show ring twice in her time with us, and her coat has returned to a stunning luster with minimal copper staining. She is aloof, likely due to her younger years, but very handleable when on leash or the grooming stand. She is a fan favorite in the community, but once again as I work through the future of my program, Mal is far too related and offers no option for variety of breeding to our bucks. She is best for a show or breeding household, or with someone content to have a pasture ornament.
Available to the right breeding program - $900
Terms of Sale
Reservations are taken on planned breedings that appear on our for sale page in the order in which they are received. Once the kids have arrived you will be notified if the kid you requested is or is not available. At that time, we will email or mail photos and/or arrange a visit to the farm to view the kid. Once you have seen the kid and confirmed your intent to purchase we require a non-refundable deposit of $100.00 to hold the kid until pick up time. All goats must be paid for in full before they leave Racing for Home Farm.
We reserve the right to retain any and all kids from any breeding.
Kids are registered with MSFGA (Miniature Silky Fainting Goat Association) at the time of purchase. All kids are tattooed, microchipped, disbudded (if required), castrated (if wethers), and have received their first vaccinations. All of our kids are inspected by a veterinarian and we guarantee that all goats are healthy and free from any visible defects at the time they leave the farm. Should health problems or physical defects become apparent at a later date, we cannot allow the goat to be returned to our farm for bio-security reasons. However, if a veterinarian has determined that a problem existed at birth, or was caused by mismanagement at our farm, we will make every effort to provide satisfaction to the buyer.
We cannot accept responsibility for a goat that does not meet your expectations at maturity. There are no guarantees of potential. Each of us accepts that risk with every goat, or other animal, we purchase.
While we prefer that goats are picked up at the farm, we will ship out of Flemington, New Jersey. The buyer is responsible for all associated shipping costs including crate, veterinary tests/certificates, air fare, fuel, etc. We will not ship a kid less than 10 weeks old and will not ship when weather presents threats due to time of year, temperature or other conditions that might be hazardous to the kid's health.
With purchases of several goats, we may be able to deliver (within a certain number of miles) or help arrange transportation. Call us to discuss.